This is the complete list of members for jrl::qp::DualSolver, including all inherited members.
A_ | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
activeSet() const | jrl::qp::DualSolver | |
addConstraint(const internal::SelectedConstraint &sc) | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
addConstraint_(const internal::SelectedConstraint &sc)=0 | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protectedpure virtual |
computeStep(VectorRef z, VectorRef r, const internal::SelectedConstraint &sc) const | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
computeStep_(VectorRef z, VectorRef r, const internal::SelectedConstraint &sc) const =0 | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protectedpure virtual |
computeStepLength(const internal::SelectedConstraint &sc, const VectorConstRef &x, const VectorConstRef &u, const VectorConstRef &z, const VectorConstRef &r) const | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
computeStepLength_(const internal::SelectedConstraint &sc, const VectorConstRef &x, const VectorConstRef &u, const VectorConstRef &z, const VectorConstRef &r) const =0 | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protectedpure virtual |
dot(const internal::SelectedConstraint &sc, const VectorConstRef &z) | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protectedvirtual |
dot_(const internal::SelectedConstraint &sc, const VectorConstRef &z)=0 | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protectedpure virtual |
DualSolver() | jrl::qp::DualSolver | |
DualSolver(int nbVar, int nbCstr, bool useBounds) | jrl::qp::DualSolver | |
f_ | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
init() | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
init_()=0 | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protectedpure virtual |
it_ | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
iterations() const | jrl::qp::DualSolver | |
log_ | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
multipliers() const | jrl::qp::DualSolver | |
nbVar_ | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
needToExpandMultipliers_ | jrl::qp::DualSolver | mutableprotected |
objectiveValue() const | jrl::qp::DualSolver | |
options(const SolverOptions &options) | jrl::qp::DualSolver | |
options_ | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
removeConstraint(int l, VectorRef u) | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
removeConstraint_(int l)=0 | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protectedpure virtual |
resetActiveSet() | jrl::qp::DualSolver | |
resize(int nbVar, int nbCstr, bool useBounds) | jrl::qp::DualSolver | |
resize_(int nbVar, int nbCstr, bool useBounds)=0 | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protectedpure virtual |
selectViolatedConstraint(const VectorConstRef &x) const | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
selectViolatedConstraint_(const VectorConstRef &x) const =0 | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protectedpure virtual |
solution() const | jrl::qp::DualSolver | |
solve() | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
terminate(TerminationStatus status) | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
work_r_ | jrl::qp::DualSolver | mutableprotected |
work_u_ | jrl::qp::DualSolver | mutableprotected |
work_x_ | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
work_z_ | jrl::qp::DualSolver | protected |
~DualSolver()=default | jrl::qp::DualSolver | virtual |