mc_rtc  2.12.0
Deprecated List
Member mc_control::MCController::anchorFrame (const sva::PTransformd &)
The observer's anchor frame is now provided by a callback on the datastore. For further information, please refer to the observer's tutorial:
Member mc_control::MCController::anchorFrame () const
The observer's anchor frame is now provided by a callback on the datastore. For further information, please refer to the observer's tutorial:
Member mc_control::MCController::anchorFrameReal (const sva::PTransformd &)
The observer's anchor frame is now provided by a callback on the datastore. For further information, please refer to the observer's tutorial:
Member mc_control::MCController::anchorFrameReal () const
The observer's anchor frame is now provided by a callback on the datastore. For further information, please refer to the observer's tutorial:
Member mc_control::MCGlobalController::setSensorAcceleration (const Eigen::Vector3d &acc)
in favor of setSensorLinearAcceleration(const Eigen::Vector3d &);
Member mc_control::MCGlobalController::setSensorAccelerations (const std::map< std::string, Eigen::Vector3d > &accels)
in favor of setSensorLinearAccelerations(const std::map<std::string, Eigen::Vector3d> &);
Member mc_control::MCGlobalController::setSensorAccelerations (mc_rbdyn::Robot &robot, const std::map< std::string, Eigen::Vector3d > &accels)
in favor of void setSensorLinearAccelerations(mc_rbdyn::Robot & robot, const std::map<std::string, Eigen::Vector3d> &);
Member mc_control::MCGlobalController::setWrenches (unsigned int robotIndex, const std::map< std::string, sva::ForceVecd > &wrenches)
in favor of setWrenches(const std::string &, const std::map<std::string, sva::ForceVecd> &)
Member mc_rbdyn::BodySensor::acceleration (const Eigen::Vector3d &acceleration)
in favor of void linearAcceleration(const Eigen::Vector3d &)
Member mc_rbdyn::BodySensor::acceleration () const
in favor of const Eigen::Vector3d & linearAcceleration() const