mc_rtc  2.12.0
mc_rbdyn::Robot Struct Reference

#include <mc_rbdyn/Robot.h>


struct  NewRobotToken

Public Types

using convex_pair_t = std::pair< std::string, S_ObjectPtr >

Public Member Functions

 Robot (Robot &&)
Robotoperator= (Robot &&)
 ~Robot ()
const std::string & name () const
const RobotModulemodule () const
bool jointHasJointSensor (const std::string &joint) const noexcept
const JointSensorjointJointSensor (const std::string &joint) const
const std::vector< JointSensor > & jointSensors () const noexcept
bool hasJoint (const std::string &name) const
bool hasBody (const std::string &name) const
bool hasFrame (const std::string &name) const noexcept
const RobotFrameframe (const std::string &name) const
RobotFrameframe (const std::string &name)
std::vector< std::string > frames () const
RobotFramemakeFrame (const std::string &name, RobotFrame &parent, sva::PTransformd X_p_f, bool baked=false)
RobotFramePtr makeTemporaryFrame (const std::string &name, const RobotFrame &parent, sva::PTransformd X_p_f, bool baked=false) const
void makeFrames (std::vector< mc_rbdyn::RobotModule::FrameDescription > frames)
bool hasSurface (const std::string &surface) const
mc_rbdyn::Surfacesurface (const std::string &sName)
const mc_rbdyn::Surfacesurface (const std::string &sName) const
sva::PTransformd surfacePose (const std::string &sName) const
mc_rbdyn::SurfacecopySurface (const std::string &sName, const std::string &name)
void addSurface (mc_rbdyn::SurfacePtr surface, bool doNotReplace=true)
const std::map< std::string, mc_rbdyn::SurfacePtr > & surfaces () const
std::vector< std::string > availableSurfaces () const
bool hasConvex (const std::string &name) const
convex_pair_tconvex (const std::string &cName)
const convex_pair_tconvex (const std::string &cName) const
const std::map< std::string, convex_pair_t > & convexes () const
void addConvex (const std::string &name, const std::string &body, S_ObjectPtr convex, const sva::PTransformd &X_b_c=sva::PTransformd::Identity())
void removeConvex (const std::string &name)
const sva::PTransformd & bodyTransform (const std::string &bName) const
const sva::PTransformd & bodyTransform (int bodyIndex) const
const std::vector< sva::PTransformd > & bodyTransforms () const
const sva::PTransformd & collisionTransform (const std::string &cName) const
void loadRSDFFromDir (const std::string &surfaceDir)
std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > stance () const
mc_rbdyn::Robotsrobots () noexcept
const mc_rbdyn::Robotsrobots () const noexcept
unsigned int robotIndex () const
void forwardKinematics ()
void forwardKinematics (rbd::MultiBodyConfig &mbc) const
void forwardVelocity ()
void forwardVelocity (rbd::MultiBodyConfig &mbc) const
void forwardAcceleration (const sva::MotionVecd &A_0=sva::MotionVecd(Eigen::Vector6d::Zero()))
void forwardAcceleration (rbd::MultiBodyConfig &mbc, const sva::MotionVecd &A_0=sva::MotionVecd(Eigen::Vector6d::Zero())) const
void eulerIntegration (double step)
void eulerIntegration (rbd::MultiBodyConfig &mbc, double step) const
const sva::PTransformd & posW () const
void posW (const sva::PTransformd &pt)
void velW (const sva::MotionVecd &vel)
const sva::MotionVecd & velW () const
void accW (const sva::MotionVecd &acc)
const sva::MotionVecd accW () const
mc_control::Grippergripper (const std::string &gripper)
const mc_control::Grippergripper (const std::string &gripper) const
bool hasGripper (const std::string &gripper) const
const std::unordered_map< std::string, mc_control::GripperPtr > & grippersByName () const noexcept
const std::vector< mc_control::GripperRef > & grippers () const noexcept
const RobotDataPtr data () const noexcept
mc_tvm::RobottvmRobot () const
mc_tvm::ConvextvmConvex (const std::string &name) const
 Robot (NewRobotToken, const std::string &name, Robots &robots, unsigned int robots_idx, bool loadFiles, const LoadRobotParameters &params={})
Body sensors

These functions are related to force sensors

const BodySensorbodySensor () const noexcept
void addBodySensor (const BodySensor &sensor)
bool hasBodySensor (const std::string &name) const noexcept
bool bodyHasBodySensor (const std::string &body) const noexcept
const BodySensorbodySensor (const std::string &name) const
const BodySensorbodyBodySensor (const std::string &name) const
const BodySensorVectorbodySensors () const noexcept

Returns the joint index of joint named

Ifthe joint does not exist within the robot.
unsigned int jointIndexByName (const std::string &name) const
int jointIndexInMBC (size_t jointIndex) const

Returns the body index of joint named

Ifthe body does not exist within the robot.
unsigned int bodyIndexByName (const std::string &name) const
rbd::MultiBody & mb ()
const rbd::MultiBody & mb () const
rbd::MultiBodyConfig & mbc ()
const rbd::MultiBodyConfig & mbc () const
rbd::MultiBodyGraph & mbg ()
const rbd::MultiBodyGraph & mbg () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & q () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & alpha () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & alphaD () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & jointTorque () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & controlTorque () const noexcept
const std::vector< sva::PTransformd > & bodyPosW () const
const std::vector< sva::MotionVecd > & bodyVelW () const
const std::vector< sva::MotionVecd > & bodyVelB () const
const std::vector< sva::MotionVecd > & bodyAccB () const
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & q ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & alpha ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & alphaD ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & jointTorque ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & controlTorque () noexcept
std::vector< sva::PTransformd > & bodyPosW ()
std::vector< sva::MotionVecd > & bodyVelW ()
std::vector< sva::MotionVecd > & bodyVelB ()
std::vector< sva::MotionVecd > & bodyAccB ()
const sva::PTransformd & bodyPosW (const std::string &name) const
sva::PTransformd X_b1_b2 (const std::string &b1, const std::string &b2) const
const sva::MotionVecd & bodyVelW (const std::string &name) const
const sva::MotionVecd & bodyVelB (const std::string &name) const
const sva::MotionVecd & bodyAccB (const std::string &name) const
Eigen::Vector3d com () const
Eigen::Vector3d comVelocity () const
Eigen::Vector3d comAcceleration () const
sva::ForceVecd surfaceWrench (const std::string &surfaceName) const
sva::ForceVecd bodyWrench (const std::string &bodyName) const
Eigen::Vector2d cop (const std::string &frame, double min_pressure=0.5) const
Eigen::Vector3d copW (const std::string &frame, double min_pressure=0.5) const
sva::ForceVecd netWrench (const std::vector< std::string > &sensorNames) const
 Computes net total wrench from a list of sensors. More...
Eigen::Vector3d zmp (const sva::ForceVecd &netTotalWrench, const Eigen::Vector3d &plane_p, const Eigen::Vector3d &plane_n, double minimalNetNormalForce=1.) const
 Actual ZMP computation from net total wrench and the ZMP plane. More...
bool zmp (Eigen::Vector3d &zmpOut, const sva::ForceVecd &netTotalWrench, const Eigen::Vector3d &plane_p, const Eigen::Vector3d &plane_n, double minimalNetNormalForce=1.) const noexcept
 Actual ZMP computation from net total wrench and the ZMP plane. More...
Eigen::Vector3d zmp (const sva::ForceVecd &netTotalWrench, const sva::PTransformd &zmpFrame, double minimalNetNormalForce=1.) const
 ZMP computation from net total wrench and a frame. More...
bool zmp (Eigen::Vector3d &zmpOut, const sva::ForceVecd &netTotalWrench, const sva::PTransformd &zmpFrame, double minimalNetNormalForce=1.) const noexcept
 ZMP computation from net total wrench and a frame. More...
Eigen::Vector3d zmp (const std::vector< std::string > &sensorNames, const Eigen::Vector3d &plane_p, const Eigen::Vector3d &plane_n, double minimalNetNormalForce=1.) const
bool zmp (Eigen::Vector3d &zmpOut, const std::vector< std::string > &sensorNames, const Eigen::Vector3d &plane_p, const Eigen::Vector3d &plane_n, double minimalNetNormalForce=1.) const noexcept
Eigen::Vector3d zmp (const std::vector< std::string > &sensorNames, const sva::PTransformd &zmpFrame, double minimalNetNormalForce=1.) const
 Computes the ZMP from sensor names and a frame. More...
bool zmp (Eigen::Vector3d &zmpOut, const std::vector< std::string > &sensorNames, const sva::PTransformd &zmpFrame, double minimalNetNormalForce=1.) const noexcept
 Computes the ZMP from sensor names and a frame. More...
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & ql () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & qu () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & vl () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & vu () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & al () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & au () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & jl () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & ju () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & tl () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & tu () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & tdl () const
const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & tdu () const
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & ql ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & qu ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & vl ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & vu ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & al ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & au ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & jl ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & ju ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & tl ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & tu ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & tdl ()
std::vector< std::vector< double > > & tdu ()
const std::vector< Flexibility > & flexibility () const
std::vector< Flexibility > & flexibility ()
void zmpTarget (const Eigen::Vector3d &zmp)
const Eigen::Vector3d & zmpTarget () const
double mass () const noexcept
Joint sensors

These functions give information about joints' status

const std::vector< double > & encoderValues () const noexcept
const std::vector< double > & encoderVelocities () const noexcept
const std::vector< double > & jointTorques () const noexcept
const std::vector< std::string > & refJointOrder () const
Force sensors

These functions are related to force sensors

void addForceSensor (const mc_rbdyn::ForceSensor &fs)
bool hasForceSensor (const std::string &name) const noexcept
bool bodyHasForceSensor (const std::string &body) const noexcept
bool surfaceHasForceSensor (const std::string &surface) const
 Checks if the surface has a force sensor directly attached to it. More...
bool bodyHasIndirectForceSensor (const std::string &body) const
bool surfaceHasIndirectForceSensor (const std::string &surface) const
const ForceSensorforceSensor (const std::string &name) const
const ForceSensorbodyForceSensor (const std::string &body) const
const ForceSensorfindBodyForceSensor (const std::string &body) const
const ForceSensorsurfaceForceSensor (const std::string &surfaceName) const
const ForceSensorindirectBodyForceSensor (const std::string &body) const
 Return a force sensor directly or indirectly attached to a body. More...
const ForceSensorindirectSurfaceForceSensor (const std::string &surface) const
 Return a force sensor directly or indirectly attached to a surface. More...
const std::vector< ForceSensor > & forceSensors () const noexcept

These functions are related to generic devices handling

template<typename T >
bool hasDevice (const std::string &name) const noexcept
template<typename T >
bool hasSensor (const std::string &name) const noexcept
template<typename T >
const T & device (const std::string &name) const
template<typename T >
T & device (const std::string &name)
const DevicePtrVectordevices () const noexcept
template<typename T >
const T & sensor (const std::string &name) const
template<typename T >
T & sensor (const std::string &name)
void addDevice (DevicePtr device)
void addSensor (SensorPtr sensor)

Protected Member Functions

void copyLoadedData (Robot &destination) const
void fixSurfaces ()
void fixSurface (Surface &surface)
void fixCollisionTransforms ()
std::string findIndirectForceSensorBodyName (const std::string &bodyName) const
 Finds the name of the body to which a force sensor is attached, starting from the provided body and going up the kinematic tree. More...


struct Robots

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ convex_pair_t

using mc_rbdyn::Robot::convex_pair_t = std::pair<std::string, S_ObjectPtr>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Robot() [1/2]

mc_rbdyn::Robot::Robot ( Robot &&  )

◆ ~Robot()

mc_rbdyn::Robot::~Robot ( )

◆ Robot() [2/2]

mc_rbdyn::Robot::Robot ( NewRobotToken  ,
const std::string &  name,
Robots robots,
unsigned int  robots_idx,
bool  loadFiles,
const LoadRobotParameters params = {} 

Invoked by Robots parent instance after mb/mbc/mbg/RobotModule are stored

When loadFiles is set to false, the convex and surfaces files are not loaded. This is used when copying one robot into another.

Member Function Documentation

◆ accW() [1/2]

const sva::MotionVecd mc_rbdyn::Robot::accW ( ) const

Return the robot's floating base acceleration expressed in the inertial frame

◆ accW() [2/2]

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::accW ( const sva::MotionVecd &  acc)

Update the robot's floating base acceleration.

velNew floating base acceleration in the inertial frame.
This function takes care of calling rbd::forwardAcceleration

◆ addBodySensor()

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::addBodySensor ( const BodySensor sensor)

Add BodySensor to the robot

sensorBody to add

◆ addConvex()

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::addConvex ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  body,
S_ObjectPtr  convex,
const sva::PTransformd &  X_b_c = sva::PTransformd::Identity() 

Add a convex online

This has no effect if name is already a convex of the robot

nameName of the convex
bodyName of the convex's parent body
convexsch::Object object representing the convex
X_b_cTransformation fro the convex's parent body to the convex

◆ addDevice()

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::addDevice ( DevicePtr  device)

Add a generic device to the robot

◆ addForceSensor()

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::addForceSensor ( const mc_rbdyn::ForceSensor fs)

Add a new force sensor to the robot

This also updates frames' sensors.

This does not load the calibration file for this sensor. It is up to the caller to do so if they have a file availble.

sensorSensor to be added to the robot
Ifa sensor with the same name already exists within this robot

◆ addSensor()

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::addSensor ( SensorPtr  sensor)

Alias for

See also

◆ addSurface()

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::addSurface ( mc_rbdyn::SurfacePtr  surface,
bool  doNotReplace = true 

Adds a surface with a new name

◆ al() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::al ( )

Access the robot's angular lower acceleration limits

◆ al() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::al ( ) const

Access the robot's angular lower acceleration limits (const)

◆ alpha() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::alpha ( )

Equivalent to robot.mbc().alpha

◆ alpha() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::alpha ( ) const

Equivalent to robot.mbc().alpha (const)

◆ alphaD() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::alphaD ( )

Equivalent to robot.mbc().alphaD

◆ alphaD() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::alphaD ( ) const

Equivalent to robot.mbc().alphaD (const)

◆ au() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::au ( )

Access the robot's angular upper acceleration limits

◆ au() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::au ( ) const

Access the robot's angular upper acceleration limits (const)

◆ availableSurfaces()

std::vector<std::string> mc_rbdyn::Robot::availableSurfaces ( ) const

Returns a list of available surfaces

◆ bodyAccB() [1/3]

std::vector<sva::MotionVecd>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyAccB ( )

Equivalent to robot.mbc().bodyAccB

◆ bodyAccB() [2/3]

const std::vector<sva::MotionVecd>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyAccB ( ) const

Equivalent to robot.mbc().bodyAccB (const)

◆ bodyAccB() [3/3]

const sva::MotionVecd& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyAccB ( const std::string &  name) const

Access the acceleration of body name in body coordinates

Ifthe body doest not exist within the robot

◆ bodyBodySensor()

const BodySensor& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyBodySensor ( const std::string &  name) const

Return a specific BodySensor by body name

nameName of the body
Ifthere is no sensor attached to the body

◆ bodyForceSensor()

const ForceSensor& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyForceSensor ( const std::string &  body) const

Return a force sensor attached to the provided body

bodyName of the body to which the sensor is attached
The attached sensor
Ifno sensor is directly attached to this body
See also
ForceSensor & indirectBodyForceSensor(const std::string & body); To get a sensor directly or indirectly attached to the body.

◆ bodyHasBodySensor()

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyHasBodySensor ( const std::string &  body) const

Return true if the specified body has a body sensor attached to it

bodyBody to query

◆ bodyHasForceSensor()

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyHasForceSensor ( const std::string &  body) const

Check if the body has a force sensor directly attached to it

bodyName of the body to which the sensor is directly attached
See also
bodyHasIndirectForceSensor(const std::string &) if you wish to check whether a sensor is indirectly attached to a body
True if the body has a force sensor attached to it, false otherwise

◆ bodyHasIndirectForceSensor()

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyHasIndirectForceSensor ( const std::string &  body) const

Check if the body has a force sensor attached to it (directly or indirectly)

bodyName of the body to which the sensor is (directly or indirectly) attached
True if the body has a force sensor attached to it, false otherwise

◆ bodyIndexByName()

unsigned int mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyIndexByName ( const std::string &  name) const

Access MultiBody representation of the robot

◆ bodyPosW() [1/3]

std::vector<sva::PTransformd>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyPosW ( )

Equivalent to robot.mbc().bodyPosW

◆ bodyPosW() [2/3]

const std::vector<sva::PTransformd>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyPosW ( ) const

Equivalent to robot.mbc().bodyPosW (const)

◆ bodyPosW() [3/3]

const sva::PTransformd& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyPosW ( const std::string &  name) const

Access the position of body name in world coordinates

Ifthe body does not exist within the robot

◆ bodySensor() [1/2]

const BodySensor& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodySensor ( ) const

Return the first BodySensor in the robot (const)

◆ bodySensor() [2/2]

const BodySensor& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodySensor ( const std::string &  name) const

Return a specific BobySensor by name

nameName of the sensor
Ifthe sensor does not exist

◆ bodySensors()

const BodySensorVector& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodySensors ( ) const

Return all body sensors (const)

◆ bodyTransform() [1/2]

const sva::PTransformd& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyTransform ( const std::string &  bName) const

Access transformation from body bName to original base.

This can be used to correct transformations that were stored with the original base. Usually the robot's base is the original base so these transforms are identity.

◆ bodyTransform() [2/2]

const sva::PTransformd& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyTransform ( int  bodyIndex) const

Access body transform by index

◆ bodyTransforms()

const std::vector<sva::PTransformd>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyTransforms ( ) const

Access body transform vector

◆ bodyVelB() [1/3]

std::vector<sva::MotionVecd>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyVelB ( )

Equivalent to robot.mbc().bodyVelB

◆ bodyVelB() [2/3]

const std::vector<sva::MotionVecd>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyVelB ( ) const

Equivalent to robot.mbc().bodyVelB (const)

◆ bodyVelB() [3/3]

const sva::MotionVecd& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyVelB ( const std::string &  name) const

Access the velocity of body name in body coordinates

Ifthe body doest not exist within the robot

◆ bodyVelW() [1/3]

std::vector<sva::MotionVecd>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyVelW ( )

Equivalent to robot.mbc().bodyVelW

◆ bodyVelW() [2/3]

const std::vector<sva::MotionVecd>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyVelW ( ) const

Equivalent to robot.mbc().bodyVelW (const)

◆ bodyVelW() [3/3]

const sva::MotionVecd& mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyVelW ( const std::string &  name) const

Access the velocity of body name in world coordinates

Ifthe body doest not exist within the robot

◆ bodyWrench()

sva::ForceVecd mc_rbdyn::Robot::bodyWrench ( const std::string &  bodyName) const

Compute the gravity-free wrench in body frame

If the body is indirectly attached to the sensor (i.e there are joints in-between), then the kinematic transformation will be taken into account but the effect of bodies in-between is not accounted for in the returned wrench.
bodyNameA body attached to a force sensor
Measured wrench in body frame
Ifno sensor is attached to this surface

◆ collisionTransform()

const sva::PTransformd& mc_rbdyn::Robot::collisionTransform ( const std::string &  cName) const

Access transformation between the collision mesh and the body

◆ com()

Eigen::Vector3d mc_rbdyn::Robot::com ( ) const

Compute and returns the current robot's CoM

◆ comAcceleration()

Eigen::Vector3d mc_rbdyn::Robot::comAcceleration ( ) const

Compute and returns the current robot's CoM acceleration

◆ comVelocity()

Eigen::Vector3d mc_rbdyn::Robot::comVelocity ( ) const

Compute and returns the current robot's CoM velocity

◆ controlTorque() [1/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::controlTorque ( ) const

Access the desired control torque

◆ controlTorque() [2/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::controlTorque ( )

Access the desired control torque

◆ convex() [1/2]

convex_pair_t& mc_rbdyn::Robot::convex ( const std::string &  cName)

Access a convex named cName

a pair giving the convex's parent body and the sch::Object object

◆ convex() [2/2]

const convex_pair_t& mc_rbdyn::Robot::convex ( const std::string &  cName) const

Access a convex named cName (const)

◆ convexes()

const std::map<std::string, convex_pair_t>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::convexes ( ) const

Access all convexes available in this robot

a map where keys are the convex name and values are those returned by convex

◆ cop()

Eigen::Vector2d mc_rbdyn::Robot::cop ( const std::string &  frame,
double  min_pressure = 0.5 
) const

Compute the cop in a given frame computed from gravity-free force measurements

frameA frame attached to a force sensor
min_pressureMinimum pressure in N (default 0.5N).
Measured cop in provided frame
  • CoP if pressure >= min_pressure
  • Zero otherwise
Ifthe frame does not exist or no sensor is attached to this frame

◆ copW()

Eigen::Vector3d mc_rbdyn::Robot::copW ( const std::string &  frame,
double  min_pressure = 0.5 
) const

Compute the cop in inertial frame compute from gravity-free force measurements

frameA frame attached to a force sensor
min_pressureMinimum pressure in N (default 0.5N).
Measured cop in inertial frame
  • CoP if pressure >= min_pressure
  • Zero otherwise
Ifthe frame does not exist or no sensor is attached to this frame

◆ copyLoadedData()

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::copyLoadedData ( Robot destination) const

Copy loaded data from this robot to a new robot

◆ copySurface()

mc_rbdyn::Surface& mc_rbdyn::Robot::copySurface ( const std::string &  sName,
const std::string &  name 

Copy an existing surface with a new name

◆ data()

const RobotDataPtr mc_rbdyn::Robot::data ( ) const

Access the data associated to this object

◆ device() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T& mc_rbdyn::Robot::device ( const std::string &  name)

Non-const variant

◆ device() [2/2]

template<typename T >
const T& mc_rbdyn::Robot::device ( const std::string &  name) const

Get a generic device of type T named name

The reference returned by this function is remains valid

nameName of the device
Template Parameters
Ttype of the device requested
Ifthe device does not exist or does not have the right type

◆ devices()

const DevicePtrVector& mc_rbdyn::Robot::devices ( ) const

Get all devices attached to a robot

◆ encoderValues()

const std::vector<double>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::encoderValues ( ) const

Return the encoder values

◆ encoderVelocities()

const std::vector<double>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::encoderVelocities ( ) const

Return the encoder velocities

◆ eulerIntegration() [1/2]

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::eulerIntegration ( double  step)

Apply Euler integration to the robot using step timestep

◆ eulerIntegration() [2/2]

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::eulerIntegration ( rbd::MultiBodyConfig &  mbc,
double  step 
) const

Apply Euler integration to mbc using the robot's mb() and step timestep

◆ findBodyForceSensor()

const ForceSensor* mc_rbdyn::Robot::findBodyForceSensor ( const std::string &  body) const

Return a force sensor attached (directly or indirectly) to the given body

Returns a null pointer if no such sensor exists

◆ findIndirectForceSensorBodyName()

std::string mc_rbdyn::Robot::findIndirectForceSensorBodyName ( const std::string &  bodyName) const

Finds the name of the body to which a force sensor is attached, starting from the provided body and going up the kinematic tree.

bodyNameName of the body to which the sensor is attached
Body name to which the sensor is attached when found. Empty string otherwise

◆ fixCollisionTransforms()

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::fixCollisionTransforms ( )

Used to set the collision transforms correctly

◆ fixSurface()

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::fixSurface ( Surface surface)

Used to set the specified surface X_b_s correctly

This function should only be called once per surface.

surfacesSurface that need to be modified

◆ fixSurfaces()

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::fixSurfaces ( )

Used to set all robot surfaces' X_b_s correctly

This updates all surfaces in surfaces_ vector and should only be called once

◆ flexibility() [1/2]

std::vector<Flexibility>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::flexibility ( )

Return the flexibilities of the robot

◆ flexibility() [2/2]

const std::vector<Flexibility>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::flexibility ( ) const

Return the flexibilities of the robot (const)

◆ forceSensor()

const ForceSensor& mc_rbdyn::Robot::forceSensor ( const std::string &  name) const

Return a force sensor by name

nameName of the sensor
The sensor named name
Ifno sensor with this name exists

◆ forceSensors()

const std::vector<ForceSensor>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::forceSensors ( ) const

Returns all force sensors (const)

◆ forwardAcceleration() [1/2]

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::forwardAcceleration ( const sva::MotionVecd &  A_0 = sva::MotionVecd(Eigen::Vector6d::Zero()))

Apply forward acceleration to the robot

◆ forwardAcceleration() [2/2]

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::forwardAcceleration ( rbd::MultiBodyConfig &  mbc,
const sva::MotionVecd &  A_0 = sva::MotionVecd(Eigen::Vector6d::Zero()) 
) const

Apply forward acceleration to mbc using the robot's mb()

◆ forwardKinematics() [1/2]

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::forwardKinematics ( )

Apply forward kinematics to the robot

◆ forwardKinematics() [2/2]

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::forwardKinematics ( rbd::MultiBodyConfig &  mbc) const

Apply forward kinematics to mbc using the robot's mb()

◆ forwardVelocity() [1/2]

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::forwardVelocity ( )

Apply forward velocity to the robot

◆ forwardVelocity() [2/2]

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::forwardVelocity ( rbd::MultiBodyConfig &  mbc) const

Apply forward velocity to mbc using the robot's mb()

◆ frame() [1/2]

RobotFrame& mc_rbdyn::Robot::frame ( const std::string &  name)

Access the frame named name (non-const)

Ifthe frame does not exist

◆ frame() [2/2]

const RobotFrame& mc_rbdyn::Robot::frame ( const std::string &  name) const

Access the frame named name

Ifthe frame does not exist

◆ frames()

std::vector<std::string> mc_rbdyn::Robot::frames ( ) const

Returns the list of available frames in this robot

◆ gripper() [1/2]

mc_control::Gripper& mc_rbdyn::Robot::gripper ( const std::string &  gripper)

Access a gripper by name

gripperGripper name
Ifthe gripper does not exist within this robot

◆ gripper() [2/2]

const mc_control::Gripper& mc_rbdyn::Robot::gripper ( const std::string &  gripper) const

Access a gripper by name

gripperGripper name
Ifthe gripper does not exist within this robot

◆ grippers()

const std::vector<mc_control::GripperRef>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::grippers ( ) const

Access all grippers

◆ grippersByName()

const std::unordered_map<std::string, mc_control::GripperPtr>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::grippersByName ( ) const

◆ hasBody()

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::hasBody ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns true if the robot has a body named name

◆ hasBodySensor()

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::hasBodySensor ( const std::string &  name) const

Return true if the robot has a body sensor named name

nameName of the body sensor

◆ hasConvex()

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::hasConvex ( const std::string &  name) const

Check if a convex name exists

True if the convex exists, false otherwise

◆ hasDevice()

template<typename T >
bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::hasDevice ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns true if a generic device of type T and named name exists in the robot

nameName of the device
Template Parameters
TType of device requested

◆ hasForceSensor()

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::hasForceSensor ( const std::string &  name) const

Check if a force sensor exists

nameName of the sensor
True if the sensor exists, false otherwise

◆ hasFrame()

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::hasFrame ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns true if the robot has a frame named name

◆ hasGripper()

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::hasGripper ( const std::string &  gripper) const

Checks whether a gripper is part of this robot

◆ hasJoint()

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::hasJoint ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns true if the robot has a joint named name

◆ hasSensor()

template<typename T >
bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::hasSensor ( const std::string &  name) const

Alias for

See also

◆ hasSurface()

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::hasSurface ( const std::string &  surface) const

Check if a surface surface exists

True if the surface exists, false otherwise

◆ indirectBodyForceSensor()

const ForceSensor& mc_rbdyn::Robot::indirectBodyForceSensor ( const std::string &  body) const

Return a force sensor directly or indirectly attached to a body.

When the sensor is not directly attached to the body, look up the kinematic chain until the root until a sensor is found.

The sensor to which the body is indirectly attached
Ifno sensor is found between the body and the root

◆ indirectSurfaceForceSensor()

const ForceSensor& mc_rbdyn::Robot::indirectSurfaceForceSensor ( const std::string &  surface) const

Return a force sensor directly or indirectly attached to a surface.

When the sensor is not directly attached to the surface, look up the kinematic chain until the root until a sensor is found.

surfaceName of surface indirectly attached to the sensor
The sensor to which the surface is indirectly attached
Ifno sensor is found between the surface and the root

◆ jl() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::jl ( )

Access the robot's angular lower jerk limits

◆ jl() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::jl ( ) const

Access the robot's angular lower jerk limits (const)

◆ jointHasJointSensor()

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::jointHasJointSensor ( const std::string &  joint) const

Return true if the specified joint has a joint sensor attached to it

jointJoint to query

◆ jointIndexByName()

unsigned int mc_rbdyn::Robot::jointIndexByName ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns the joint index in the mbc of the joint with index jointIndex in refJointOrder

Joint indices can be -1 for joints present in refJointOrder but not in the robot's mbc (such as filtered joints in some robot modules)
jointIndexJoint index in refJointOrder
joint index in the mbc
IfjointIndex >= refJointOrder.size()

◆ jointIndexInMBC()

int mc_rbdyn::Robot::jointIndexInMBC ( size_t  jointIndex) const

Returns the joint index in the mbc of the joint with index jointIndex in refJointOrder

Joint indices can be -1 for joints present in refJointOrder but not in the robot's mbc (such as filtered joints in some robot modules)
jointIndexJoint index in refJointOrder
joint index in the mbc
IfjointIndex >= refJointOrder.size()

◆ jointJointSensor()

const JointSensor& mc_rbdyn::Robot::jointJointSensor ( const std::string &  joint) const

Return a specific JointSensor by joint name

jointName of the joint
Ifthere is no sensor attached to the joint

◆ jointSensors()

const std::vector<JointSensor>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::jointSensors ( ) const

Return all joint sensors (const)

◆ jointTorque() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::jointTorque ( )

Equivalent to robot.mbc().jointTorque

◆ jointTorque() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::jointTorque ( ) const

Equivalent to robot.mbc().jointTorque (const)

◆ jointTorques()

const std::vector<double>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::jointTorques ( ) const

Return the joint torques from sensors

◆ ju() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::ju ( )

Access the robot's angular upper jerk limits

◆ ju() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::ju ( ) const

Access the robot's angular upper jerk limits (const)

◆ loadRSDFFromDir()

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::loadRSDFFromDir ( const std::string &  surfaceDir)

Load surfaces from the directory surfaceDir

◆ makeFrame()

RobotFrame& mc_rbdyn::Robot::makeFrame ( const std::string &  name,
RobotFrame parent,
sva::PTransformd  X_p_f,
bool  baked = false 

Create a new frame attached to this robot

nameName of the frame
frameParent frame of this frame
X_p_fTransformation from the parent frame to the frame
bakedAttach the newly created frame to parent parent's body rather than parent if true
The newly created frame
Ifparent does not belong to this robot or if name already exists in this robot

◆ makeFrames()

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::makeFrames ( std::vector< mc_rbdyn::RobotModule::FrameDescription frames)

Create new frames attached to this robot

framesDescription of the frames
Ifany of the frames' parent does not belong to this robot or if name already exists in this robot

◆ makeTemporaryFrame()

RobotFramePtr mc_rbdyn::Robot::makeTemporaryFrame ( const std::string &  name,
const RobotFrame parent,
sva::PTransformd  X_p_f,
bool  baked = false 
) const

Create a new temporary frame

The frame is not kept by the robot and cannot be found via frame or inside frames

The main purpose is to tie a frame lifetime to another object (e.g. a task, a constraint, a state...) that needs it

nameName of the frame
frameParent frame of this frame
X_p_fTransformation from the parent frame to the frame
bakedAttach the newly created frame to parent parent's body rather than parent if true
The newly created frame
Ifparent does not belong to this robot

◆ mass()

double mc_rbdyn::Robot::mass ( ) const

Compute and returns the mass of the robot

◆ mb() [1/2]

rbd::MultiBody& mc_rbdyn::Robot::mb ( )

Access MultiBody representation of the robot

◆ mb() [2/2]

const rbd::MultiBody& mc_rbdyn::Robot::mb ( ) const

Access MultiBody representation of the robot (const)

◆ mbc() [1/2]

rbd::MultiBodyConfig& mc_rbdyn::Robot::mbc ( )

Access MultiBodyConfig of the robot's mb()

◆ mbc() [2/2]

const rbd::MultiBodyConfig& mc_rbdyn::Robot::mbc ( ) const

Access MultiBodyConfig of the robot's mb() (const)

◆ mbg() [1/2]

rbd::MultiBodyGraph& mc_rbdyn::Robot::mbg ( )

Access MultiBodyGraph that generated the robot's mb()

◆ mbg() [2/2]

const rbd::MultiBodyGraph& mc_rbdyn::Robot::mbg ( ) const

Access MultiBodyGraph that generated the robot's mb() (const)

◆ module()

const RobotModule& mc_rbdyn::Robot::module ( ) const

Retrieve the associated RobotModule

◆ name()

const std::string& mc_rbdyn::Robot::name ( ) const

Returns the name of the robot

To rename a robot, use Robots::rename(const std::string &, const std::string &)

◆ netWrench()

sva::ForceVecd mc_rbdyn::Robot::netWrench ( const std::vector< std::string > &  sensorNames) const

Computes net total wrench from a list of sensors.

sensorNamesNames of all sensors used to compute the net wrench
Net total wrench (without gravity) in the inertial frame

◆ operator=()

Robot& mc_rbdyn::Robot::operator= ( Robot &&  )

◆ posW() [1/2]

const sva::PTransformd& mc_rbdyn::Robot::posW ( ) const

Return the robot's global pose

◆ posW() [2/2]

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::posW ( const sva::PTransformd &  pt)

Set the robot's global pose. This is mostly meant for initialization purposes. In other scenarios there might be more things to do to properly move a robot (e.g. update contacts, set speed to zero).

ptThe new global pose
Ifjoint(0) is neither free flyer nor fixed
This function takes care of calling rbd::forwardKinematics

◆ q() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::q ( )

Equivalent to robot.mbc().q

◆ q() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::q ( ) const

Equivalent to robot.mbc().q (const)

◆ ql() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::ql ( )

Access the robot's angular lower limits

◆ ql() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::ql ( ) const

Access the robot's angular lower limits (const)

◆ qu() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::qu ( )

Access the robot's angular upper limits

◆ qu() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::qu ( ) const

Access the robot's angular upper limits (const)

◆ refJointOrder()

const std::vector<std::string>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::refJointOrder ( ) const

Return the reference joint order for this robot

◆ removeConvex()

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::removeConvex ( const std::string &  name)

Remove a given convex

Using this function while the given convex is involved in a collision is not safe and will very likely result in a crash.

This has no effect if name is not a convex of the robot.

nameName of the convex

◆ robotIndex()

unsigned int mc_rbdyn::Robot::robotIndex ( ) const

Access the robot's index in robots()

◆ robots() [1/2]

const mc_rbdyn::Robots& mc_rbdyn::Robot::robots ( ) const

Access Robots instance this instance belongs to (const)

◆ robots() [2/2]

mc_rbdyn::Robots& mc_rbdyn::Robot::robots ( )

Access Robots instance this instance belongs to

◆ sensor() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T& mc_rbdyn::Robot::sensor ( const std::string &  name)

Alias for

See also

◆ sensor() [2/2]

template<typename T >
const T& mc_rbdyn::Robot::sensor ( const std::string &  name) const

Alias for

See also

◆ stance()

std::map<std::string, std::vector<double> > mc_rbdyn::Robot::stance ( ) const

Return the robot's default stance (e.g. half-sitting for humanoid)

◆ surface() [1/2]

mc_rbdyn::Surface& mc_rbdyn::Robot::surface ( const std::string &  sName)

Access a surface by its name sName

◆ surface() [2/2]

const mc_rbdyn::Surface& mc_rbdyn::Robot::surface ( const std::string &  sName) const

Access a surface by its name sName (const)

◆ surfaceForceSensor()

const ForceSensor& mc_rbdyn::Robot::surfaceForceSensor ( const std::string &  surfaceName) const

Return a force sensor attached to the provided surface

surfaceName of the surface to which the sensor is attached
The attached sensor
Ifno sensor is directly attached to this surface
See also
ForceSensor & indirectBodyForceSensor(const std::string & surface); To get a sensor directly or indirectly attached to the surface.

◆ surfaceHasForceSensor()

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::surfaceHasForceSensor ( const std::string &  surface) const

Checks if the surface has a force sensor directly attached to it.

surfaceName of the surface to which the sensor is directly attached
See also
surfaceHasIndirectForceSensor(const std::string &) if you wish to check whether a sensor is indirectly attached to a body
Ifsurface does not exist in this robot
True if the surface has a force sensor attached to it, false otherwise

◆ surfaceHasIndirectForceSensor()

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::surfaceHasIndirectForceSensor ( const std::string &  surface) const

Check if the surface has a force sensor attached to it (directly or indirectly)

surfaceName of the surface to which the sensor is directly attached
True if the surface has a force sensor attached to it, false otherwise

◆ surfacePose()

sva::PTransformd mc_rbdyn::Robot::surfacePose ( const std::string &  sName) const

Get the pose of a surface frame with respect to the inertial frame.

sNameName of surface frame.

◆ surfaces()

const std::map<std::string, mc_rbdyn::SurfacePtr>& mc_rbdyn::Robot::surfaces ( ) const

Returns all available surfaces

◆ surfaceWrench()

sva::ForceVecd mc_rbdyn::Robot::surfaceWrench ( const std::string &  surfaceName) const

Compute the gravity-free wrench in surface frame

If the surface is indirectly attached to the sensor (i.e there are joints in-between), then the kinematic transformation will be taken into account but the effect of bodies in-between is not accounted for in the returned wrench.
surfaceNameA surface attached to a force sensor
Measured wrench in surface frame
Ifno sensor is attached to this surface

◆ tdl() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::tdl ( )

Access the robot's angular lower torque-derivative limits

◆ tdl() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::tdl ( ) const

Access the robot's angular lower torque-derivative limits (const)

◆ tdu() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::tdu ( )

Access the robot's angular upper torque-derivative limits

◆ tdu() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::tdu ( ) const

Access the robot's angular upper torque-derivative limits (const)

◆ tl() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::tl ( )

Access the robot's angular lower torque limits

◆ tl() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::tl ( ) const

Access the robot's angular lower torque limits (const)

◆ tu() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::tu ( )

Access the robot's angular upper torque limits

◆ tu() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::tu ( ) const

Access the robot's angular upper torque limits (const)

◆ tvmConvex()

mc_tvm::Convex& mc_rbdyn::Robot::tvmConvex ( const std::string &  name) const

Get the TVM convex associated to this robot convex

FIXME Returns a non-const reference from a const method because it is most often used to register dependencies between TVM nodes which require non-const objects

nameName of the convex
Ifthe convex does not exist

◆ tvmRobot()

mc_tvm::Robot& mc_rbdyn::Robot::tvmRobot ( ) const

Get the TVM robot associated to this robot

FIXME Returns a non-const reference from a const method because it is most often used to register dependencies between TVM nodes which require non-const objects

◆ velW() [1/2]

const sva::MotionVecd& mc_rbdyn::Robot::velW ( ) const

Return the robot's floating base velocity expressed in the inertial frame

◆ velW() [2/2]

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::velW ( const sva::MotionVecd &  vel)

Update the robot's floating base velocity.

velNew floating base velocity in the inertial frame.
This function takes care of calling rbd::forwardVelocity

◆ vl() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::vl ( )

Access the robot's angular lower velocity limits

◆ vl() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::vl ( ) const

Access the robot's angular lower velocity limits (const)

◆ vu() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::vu ( )

Access the robot's angular upper velocity limits

◆ vu() [2/2]

const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& mc_rbdyn::Robot::vu ( ) const

Access the robot's angular upper velocity limits (const)

◆ X_b1_b2()

sva::PTransformd mc_rbdyn::Robot::X_b1_b2 ( const std::string &  b1,
const std::string &  b2 
) const

Relative transformation X_b1_b2 from body b1 to body b2

b1name of first body
b2name of second body
Ifb1 or b2 does not exist within the robot

◆ zmp() [1/8]

Eigen::Vector3d mc_rbdyn::Robot::zmp ( const std::vector< std::string > &  sensorNames,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  plane_p,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  plane_n,
double  minimalNetNormalForce = 1. 
) const

Computes the ZMP from sensor names and a plane

See zmpDoc

sensorNamesNames of all sensors attached to a link in contact with the environment

◆ zmp() [2/8]

Eigen::Vector3d mc_rbdyn::Robot::zmp ( const std::vector< std::string > &  sensorNames,
const sva::PTransformd &  zmpFrame,
double  minimalNetNormalForce = 1. 
) const

Computes the ZMP from sensor names and a frame.

See zmpDoc

sensorNamesNames of all sensors attached to a link in contact with the environment

◆ zmp() [3/8]

Eigen::Vector3d mc_rbdyn::Robot::zmp ( const sva::ForceVecd &  netTotalWrench,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  plane_p,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  plane_n,
double  minimalNetNormalForce = 1. 
) const

Actual ZMP computation from net total wrench and the ZMP plane.

netTotalWrenchTotal wrench for all links in contact
plane_pArbitrary point on the ZMP plane
plane_nNormal to the ZMP plane (normalized)
minimalNetNormalForce[N]Mininal force above which the ZMP computation is considered valid. Must be >0 (prevents a divide by zero).
zmp expressed in the requested plane
Toprevent dividing by zero, throws if the projected force is below minimalNetNormalForce newton. This is highly unlikely to happen and would likely indicate indicate that you are computing a ZMP from invalid forces (such as with the robot in the air).

See also
Eigen::Vector3d mc_rbdyn::zmp(const sva::ForceVecd & netTotalWrench, const Eigen::Vector3d & plane_p, const Eigen::Vector3d & plane_n, double minimalNetNormalForce)

◆ zmp() [4/8]

Eigen::Vector3d mc_rbdyn::Robot::zmp ( const sva::ForceVecd &  netTotalWrench,
const sva::PTransformd &  zmpFrame,
double  minimalNetNormalForce = 1. 
) const

ZMP computation from net total wrench and a frame.

See zmpDoc

See also
Eigen::Vector3d mc_rbdyn::zmp(const sva::ForceVecd & netTotalWrench, const sva::PTransformd & zmpFrame, double minimalNetNormalForce) const;
zmpFrameFrame used for ZMP computation. The convention here is that the contact frame should have its z-axis pointing in the normal direction of the contact towards the robot.
ZMP expressed in the plane defined by the zmpFrame frame.

◆ zmp() [5/8]

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::zmp ( Eigen::Vector3d &  zmpOut,
const std::vector< std::string > &  sensorNames,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  plane_p,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  plane_n,
double  minimalNetNormalForce = 1. 
) const

Computes the ZMP from sensor names and a plane

See zmpDoc

sensorNamesNames of all sensors attached to a link in contact with the environment

◆ zmp() [6/8]

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::zmp ( Eigen::Vector3d &  zmpOut,
const std::vector< std::string > &  sensorNames,
const sva::PTransformd &  zmpFrame,
double  minimalNetNormalForce = 1. 
) const

Computes the ZMP from sensor names and a frame.

See zmpDoc

sensorNamesNames of all sensors attached to a link in contact with the environment

◆ zmp() [7/8]

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::zmp ( Eigen::Vector3d &  zmpOut,
const sva::ForceVecd &  netTotalWrench,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  plane_p,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  plane_n,
double  minimalNetNormalForce = 1. 
) const

Actual ZMP computation from net total wrench and the ZMP plane.

zmpOutOutput of the ZMP computation expressed in the requested frame
netTotalWrenchTotal wrench for all links in contact
plane_pArbitrary point on the ZMP plane
plane_nNormal to the ZMP plane (normalized)
minimalNetNormalForce[N]Mininal force above which the ZMP computation is considered valid. Must be >0 (prevents a divide by zero).
True if the computation was successful, false otherwise and zmpOut is untouched
See also
bool mc_rbdyn::zmp(Eigen::Vector3d & zmpOut, const sva::ForceVecd & netTotalWrench, const Eigen::Vector3d & plane_p, const Eigen::Vector3d & plane_n, double minimalNetNormalForce)

◆ zmp() [8/8]

bool mc_rbdyn::Robot::zmp ( Eigen::Vector3d &  zmpOut,
const sva::ForceVecd &  netTotalWrench,
const sva::PTransformd &  zmpFrame,
double  minimalNetNormalForce = 1. 
) const

ZMP computation from net total wrench and a frame.

See zmpDoc

See also
Eigen::Vector3d mc_rbdyn::zmp(Eigen::Vector3d & zmpOut, const sva::ForceVecd & netTotalWrench, const sva::PTransformd & zmpFrame, double minimalNetNormalForce)
zmpOutOutput of the ZMP computation expressed in the plane defined by the zmpFrame frame
zmpFrameFrame used for ZMP computation. The convention here is that the contact frame should have its z-axis pointing in the normal direction of the contact towards the robot.
True if the computation was successful, false otherwise and zmpOut is untouched

◆ zmpTarget() [1/2]

const Eigen::Vector3d& mc_rbdyn::Robot::zmpTarget ( ) const

Returns the target zmp

Target ZMP. See zmpTarget(Eigen::Vector3d) for details.

◆ zmpTarget() [2/2]

void mc_rbdyn::Robot::zmpTarget ( const Eigen::Vector3d &  zmp)

Set the target zmp defined with respect to base-link. This target is intended to be used by an external stabilizer such as Kawada's

zmpNote that usually the ZMP is a 2-vector assuming a perfectly flat ground. The convention here is that the ground is at (tz=0). Therefore the target zmp should be defined as (ZMPx, ZMPy, -zbaselink)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Robots

friend struct Robots

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