Copies all common properties from one robot to another encoders, sensors, etc)
#include <mc_rbdyn/RobotConverter.h>
Copies all common properties from one robot to another encoders, sensors, etc)
- Warning
- When using the RobotConverter to output to a real robot system, be careful about your choice of options or RobotConverterConfig, not all combinations of options are safe (e.g mbcToOutMbc=false and encodersToOutMbc=false would result in all joints going to zero).
◆ RobotConverter()
Initialize the converter and run it once on the output robot
- Parameters
inputRobot | Same robot that will be fed to convert |
outputRobot | Same robot that will be fed to convert |
config | Config used by this converter |
◆ config()
◆ convert()
◆ encodersToOutput()
Copy encoders to output robot configuration
◆ precompute()
Precomputes the mappings of common properties between input/output robot according to the chosen config_.
◆ commonEncoderToJointIndices_
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > mc_rbdyn::RobotConverter::commonEncoderToJointIndices_ {} |
protected |
◆ commonJointIndices_
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > mc_rbdyn::RobotConverter::commonJointIndices_ {} |
protected |
◆ config_
◆ mimicJoints_
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > mc_rbdyn::RobotConverter::mimicJoints_ {} |
protected |
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