mc_rtc  2.12.0
mc_tasks Namespace Reference




struct  AddContactTask
 Add a contact. More...
struct  AddRemoveContactTask
 Add or remove a contact. More...
struct  BSplineTrajectoryTask
 Track a bezier curve with a robot surface. More...
struct  CoMTask
 Control a robot's CoM. More...
struct  EndEffectorTask
 Controls an end-effector. More...
struct  ExactCubicTrajectoryTask
 Track an exact cubic spline, that is a curve passing exactly through waypoints in position, with optional initial and final velocity and acceleration. More...
struct  GazeTask
 Control the Gaze of a body. More...
struct  LookAtFrameTask
 Track a frame position with a "gaze" vector. This task is a convenience wrapper for LookAtTask that takes care of automatically updating the gaze target. More...
struct  LookAtTask
 Orient a "gaze" vector defined on a body to look towards a world position. This task is a convenience wrapper around VectorOrientationTask. More...
struct  LookAtTFTask
 Control the gaze vector of a body to look towards a world position updated at each iteration from a ROS TF Frame. More...
struct  MetaTask
 Represents a generic task. More...
struct  MetaTaskLoader
struct  MomentumTask
 Control the momentum of a robot. More...
struct  OrientationTask
 Control the orientation of a frame. More...
struct  PositionBasedVisServoTask
 Servo an end-effector depending on position error in camera frame. More...
struct  PositionTask
 Control the position of a frame. More...
struct  PostureTask
struct  RelativeEndEffectorTask
 Controls an end-effector relatively to another frame. More...
struct  RemoveContactTask
 Remove a contact. More...
struct  SmoothTask
 SmoothTask allows to smoothly reach a final weight and objective for a given task. More...
struct  SplineTrajectoryTask
 Generic CRTP implementation for a task tracking a curve in both position and orientation. This class takes care of much of the logic behind tracking a curve: More...
struct  TrajectoryTaskGeneric
 Generic wrapper for a trajectory dynamic over an error function. More...
struct  TransformTask
 Control a frame 6D pose. More...
struct  VectorOrientationTask
 Control the orientation of a vector attached to a frame. More...


using LookAtSurfaceTask = LookAtFrameTask
using MetaTaskPtr = std::shared_ptr< MetaTask >
using PostureTaskPtr = std::shared_ptr< PostureTask >
using SurfaceTransformTask = TransformTask

Detailed Description

Meta-programming helpers to detect some function capabilities

Typedef Documentation

◆ LookAtSurfaceTask

◆ MetaTaskPtr

using mc_tasks::MetaTaskPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<MetaTask>

◆ PostureTaskPtr

using mc_tasks::PostureTaskPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<PostureTask>

◆ SurfaceTransformTask