This page lists the interfaces between mc_rtc and simulators/middleware that are currently available.
OpenRTM is a software platform for component based development of robot systems. It is used in the HRP robots and in the Choreonoid simulator. The interface is an OpenRTM component that can be integrated in a control system.
ROS, the Robot Operating System, is a set of software libraries and tools to help you build robot applications. mc_rtc_ros is a set of tools integrated with the ROS environment to provide a simulation-free interface and various GUI tools
V-REP is a robot simulator by Coppelia Robotics. mc_vrep allows to use mc_rtc as a controller for your robot(s) inside the V-REP simulator environment.
NAOqi is the programming framework used to program SoftBank Robotics robots. The mc_naoqi interface allows to use mc_rtc for the whole-body control of the NAO and Pepper robots.
libfranka is the interface used to control Franka Emika robots. The mc_franka interface allows to use mc_rtc to control these robots. It provides multiple robot support for all operation modes (position, velocity and torques) as well as integration with the panda pump device.
A generic UDP-based client/server interface implementation. The client is a regular mc_rtc interface that gets data through UDP sockets. The server can easily be implemented to interface with your own robot.
The following server implementations are currently available:
MuJoCo is a fast and accurate physics engine used widely in robotics, biomechanics, and animations. mc_mujoco enables simulation of any robot in MuJoCo controlled with any mc-rtc controller.
The Real-Time Data Exchange (RTDE) interface provides a way to synchronize external applications with the UR controller over a standard TCP/IP connection, without breaking any real-time properties of the UR controller. The mc_rtde interface allows to use mc_rtc to control Universal Robot's manipulators.
You can easily program a new interface for mc_rtc using C++ or Python. Check-out this tutorial to get started.