general purpose configurationThere is three ways to integrate your robot to mc_rtc:
implementationThe first approach is well suited for simple robots that don't have sensors attached to them (i.e. objects and environments as the name suggest). The requirements for such robots are provided in the following section.
The second approach allow you to provide more information about the robot.
The last option has the most flexibility. The main benefits are that your robot will be extremely easy to load and you can easily provide several variants of your robot with minimal efforts.
loaderWhen loading the robot, use the following invokation:
#include <mc_rbdyn/RobotLoader.h>
std::string path = "/path/to/description";
std::string name = "name";
auto env = mc_rbdyn::RobotLoader::get_robot_module("env", path, name);
// object will load the robot with a floating base
auto object = mc_rbdyn::RobotLoader::get_robot_module("object", path, name);
import mc_rbdyn
path = "/path/to/description"
name = "name"
env = mc_rbdyn.get_robot_module("env", path, name)
# object will load the robot with a floating base
object = mc_rbdyn.get_robot_module("object", path, name)
["env", "/path/to/description", "name"]
// object will load the robot with a floating base
["object", "/path/to/description", "name"]
[env, /path/to/description, name]
# object will load the robot with a floating base
[object, /path/to/description, name]
Given a robot's description folder located at LOCATION
and a robot named NAME
, mc_rtc expects your data to be organized as follows:
and for a given body: BODY
, it's collision convex is in $BODY-ch.txt
loaderWhen loading the robot, use the following invokation:
#include <mc_rbdyn/RobotLoader.h>
std::string json_path = "/path/to/file.json";
auto rm_json = mc_rbdyn::RobotLoader::get_robot_module("json", json_path);
std::string yaml_path = "/path/to/file.yaml";
auto rm_yaml = mc_rbdyn::RobotLoader::get_robot_module("json", yaml_path);
import mc_rbdyn
json_path = "/path/to/file.json"
rm_json = mc_rbdyn.get_robot_module("json", json_path)
yaml_path = "/path/to/file.yaml"
rm_yaml = mc_rbdyn.get_robot_module("json", yaml_path)
["json", "/path/to/file.json"]
["json", "/path/to/file.yaml"]
[json, /path/to/file.json]
[json, /path/to/file.yaml]
The json
module expects your data to be organized as the env
module. However, you can override some expectations by providing the data yourself. Furthermore, you can provide data for force sensors, body sensors, minimal self-collisions set and so-on.
See the JSON/YAML documentation for details on the data expected by the json
In this approach, we will write a C++ class to provide a RobotModule
for our robot and overwrite the data members that we wish to provide. As in the minimal example below:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
find_package(mc_rtc REQUIRED)
# Shortcut for:
# add_robot(MyRobot MyRobot.h MyRobot.cpp)
#pragma once
#include <mc_rbdyn/RobotModule.h>
#include <mc_robots/api.h>
struct MC_ROBOTS_DLLAPI MyRobotModule : public mc_rbdyn::RobotModule
MyRobotModule(bool fixed);
extern "C"
ROBOT_MODULE_API void MC_RTC_ROBOT_MODULE(std::vector<std::string> & names)
// Names of the robots exported by this module
names = {"MyRobot", "MyRobotFixed"};
ROBOT_MODULE_API void destroy(mc_rbdyn::RobotModule * ptr)
delete ptr;
ROBOT_MODULE_API mc_rbdyn::RobotModule * create(const std::string & name)
// At this point name must be one of the supported robots
if(name == "MyRobot") { return new MyRobot(false); }
else { return new MyRobot(true); }
#include "MyRobot.h"
#include <RBDyn/parsers/urdf.h>
// MY_PATH can be provided by CMake for example
MyRobotModule::MyRobotModule(bool fixed) : mc_rbdyn::RobotModule(MY_PATH, "my_robot")
std::vector<double> default_q = {-0.38, -0.01, 0., 0.72, -0.01, -0.33, -0.38, 0.02, 0., 0.72, -0.02, -0.33, 0.,
0.13, 0., 0., 0., 0., -0.052, -0.17, 0., -0.52, 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -0.052, 0.17, 0., -0.52, 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
const auto & rjo = ref_joint_order();
for(size_t i = 0; i < rjo.size(); ++i) { _stance[rjo[i]] = {default_q[i]}; }
_default_attitude = {{1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.8275}};
_forceSensors.push_back(mc_rbdyn::ForceSensor("RightFootForceSensor", "R_ANKLE_P_S", sva::PTransformd::Identity()));
_forceSensors.push_back(mc_rbdyn::ForceSensor("LeftFootForceSensor", "L_ANKLE_P_S", sva::PTransformd::Identity()));
_forceSensors.push_back(mc_rbdyn::ForceSensor("RightHandForceSensor", "R_WRIST_Y_S", sva::PTransformd::Identity()));
_forceSensors.push_back(mc_rbdyn::ForceSensor("LeftHandForceSensor", "L_WRIST_Y_S", sva::PTransformd::Identity()));
_bodySensors.emplace_back("Accelerometer", "PELVIS_S", sva::PTransformd(Eigen::Vector3d(-0.0325, 0, 0.1095)));
_bodySensors.emplace_back("FloatingBase", "PELVIS_S", sva::PTransformd::Identity());
_minimalSelfCollisions = {
{"WAIST_R_S", "L_SHOULDER_Y_S", 0.02, 0.001, 0.}, {"WAIST_R_S", "R_SHOULDER_Y_S", 0.02, 0.001, 0.},
{"PELVIS_S", "R_ELBOW_P_S", 0.05, 0.001, 0.}, {"PELVIS_S", "L_ELBOW_P_S", 0.05, 0.001, 0.},
{"R_WRIST_Y_S", "R_HIP_Y_S", 0.05, 0.025, 0.}, {"L_WRIST_Y_S", "L_HIP_Y_S", 0.05, 0.025, 0.}};
_commonSelfCollisions = _minimalSelfCollisions;
_grippers = {{"l_gripper", {"L_UTHUMB"}, true}, {"r_gripper", {"R_UTHUMB"}, false}};
See mc_rbdyn::RobotModule documentation for all members that can be provided.
Use the mc-rtc/new-robot-module template project to get started quickly. This template provides the barebone structure for a C++ RobotModule
or a YAML RobotModule