Schema structures integrated to the framework

Introducing mc_rtc::Schema

JSON Schema is a specification that allows to document the expected data format to go from a JSON object to a given data structure.

It is used in mc_rtc to document the expected data for loading objects – e.g. tasks or constraints – into the framework.

As you write code within mc_rtc you will likely encounter a scenarion where you load a number of parameters from an mc_rtc::Configuration general purpose configuration object.

In addition to loading this configuration object into your data structure, you will also likely be interested in:

  • Saving the current state of the object to an mc_rtc::Configuration file – and then to disk;
  • Allow to edit the parameters online;
  • Document the configuration format;

Writing all this code by hand is possible but tedious and error-prone, especially when adding or removing fields from the structure.

This is where mc_rtc::Schema comes in. Its objective is to allow you to write a simple structure that behaves like a simple structure but comes packed with extra features.

Our first schema-based structure

The following example is a simple schema structure that illustrates the basic usage of the feature:

#include <mc_rtc/Schema.h>

struct SimpleSchema
  MEMBER(bool, useFeature, "Use magic feature")
  MEMBER(double, weight, "Task weight")
  MEMBER(std::vector<std::string>, names, "Some names")
  using MapType = std::map<std::string, double>
  MEMBER(MapType, jointValues, "Map of joint names and values")
  MEMBER(sva::ForceVecd, wrench, "Target wrench")
  MEMBER(sva::PTransformd, pt, "Some transform")
#undef MEMBER
Note on the MEMBER macro

If you intend to use the MEMBER macro, beware of the following pre-processor limitations.

Templated types

Due to limitations of the pre-processor, you cannot directly pass types depending on multiple template parameters to the macro. For example, the following will give a compilation error.

MEMBER(std::map<std::string, double>, jointValues, "Map of joint names and values")

This occurs because the pre-processor splits the arguments as follows:

  • std::map<std::string
  • double>
  • jointValues
  • "Map of joint names and values"

To avoid this you can explicitly alias the type

using MapType = std::map<std::string, double>;
MEMBER(MapType, jointValues, "Map of joint names and values")

If this is not an option, you may use BOOST_IDENTIY_TYPE instead.

Note for MSVC users

If you intend the above code to be used with the Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler (MSVC), the MEMBER definition should be changed to:


This works around a pre-processor issue in MSVC.


The structure that we defined this way is used a regular C++ structure:

void do_foo(const sva::ForceVecd &);

// The structure can be default constructed (more on the defaults later)
SimpleSchema simple;
// Access a member as a simple structure
// The members are of the type you specified so this is also possible
do_foo( * simple.wrench);

However, this structure also has a number of extra functionalities built-in:

// Load from an mc_rtc::Configuration value
// Save to an mc_rtc::Configuration object;
// We can also take advantage of mc_rtc::Configuration user defined conversions
config.add("simple", simple);
SimpleSchema simple2 = config("simple");
// Print to the console
mc_rtc::log::info("simple:\n{}", simple.dump(true, true));
// Add a form to the GUI that will edit simple in place
simple.addToGUI(*controller.gui(), {"Form category"}, "Form name",
                [this]() {
                  // The simple object has been updated with new values at this point

You can also use aggregate initialization or designated initialization (from C++20) to initialize the structure:

SimpleSchema simple{true, 42.42, {"a", "b"}, wrench, pt};

Finally the structure we created here has the same size as the simpler structure we could have created by hand.


In the previous example, we have used the MC_RTC_SCHEMA_REQUIRED_DEFAULT_MEMBER macro. It is actually a wrapper around the more general MC_RTC_SCHEMA_MEMBER macro which has the following siganture:


The parameters have the following usage:

  • T is the type of the Schema object where this member appears;
  • TYPE is the type of the member variable;
  • NAME is the name of the member variable;
  • DESCRIPTION is a documentation string for the member variable, it is also used in the generated Form;
  • FLAGS is used to add additional information about the member, most notably whether the member is required or not;
  • DEFAULT is the default value used for this member;
  • .../NAMES these extra parameters are used for two purposes:
    • if TYPE is std::string this can be used to provide valid values;
    • if TYPE is std::variant<T...> this is used to assign meaningful names to the variant altneratives;

About TYPE

The intent is for any TYPE to be usable – at least for the load/save scenario, not all types may be supported for the form-based edition.

If a given TYPE is not supported you will get a compilation error, please report the issue to mc_rtc developpers.

As of now, most types that can be loaded/saved through an mc_rtc::Configuration object are supported as well as schema-based types and std::vector and std::map of such types.

The following is an example using such types:

struct ComposeSchema
  MEMBER(int, integer, "Integer value")
  MEMBER(SimpleSchema, simple, "Simple schema")
  MEMBER(std::vector<SimpleSchema>, many, "Multiple simple schema")
#undef MEMBER


There is current two flags:

  • mc_rtc::schema::Required
  • mc_rtc::schema::Interactive


When a member is required:

  • the member must be present in the configuration;
  • the member must correctly de-serialize to its type;

Otherwise the member is only read if it is present in the configuration.

Note: members are always saved into a Configuration object, whether they are required or not


The schema can treat the following types as interactive:

  • Eigen::Vector3d
  • sva::PTransformd

If members of these types are added to a form then interactive form elements will be used.

However, it does not always make sense. For example, a 3D gain could be represented with an Eigen::Vector3d and there is no point to use a 3D marker to edit this value.

You can control this behavior by setting the interactive flag accordingly. In all macros, except the basic MC_RTC_SCHEMA_MEMBER, the flag is set by default.


The following example illustrates the use of these flags in the MC_RTC_SCHEMA_MEMBER macro call:

struct InteractiveSchema
#define MEMBER(...) MC_RTC_PP_ID(MC_RTC_SCHEMA_MEMBER(InteractiveSchema, __VA_ARGS__))
         "3D point",
         mc_rtc::schema::Required | mc_rtc::schema::Interactive,
  MEMBER(Eigen::Vector3d, gain, "3D gain", mc_rtc::schema::Required, Eigen::Vector3d::Ones())
  MEMBER(Eigen::Vector3d, gainOpt, "3D optional gain", mc_rtc::schema::None, Eigen::Vector3d::Zero())
#undef MEMBER


This lets you specify the default value of the member. Anything that would be valid on the right-hand side of the assignment operator is ok here.

If you are using a _DEFAULT_ macro, this is mc_rtc::Default<T> which is:

  • 0 for arithmetic types (thus false for bool)
  • Zero for Eigen vectors
  • Identity for Eigen square matrix
  • Identity for sva::PTransformd
  • Zero for sva::ForceVecd, sva::MotionVecd, sva::ImpedanceVecd, sva::AdmittanceVecd
  • Empty string for std::string
  • Empty vector for std::vector<T>
  • Empty map for std::map<K, V>
  • mc_rtc::Default<T> for std::variant<T, Others...>
  • Default values for a schema-based structure


These extra parameter has two possible use-case:

  • a list of possible values when TYPE is std::string
  • a description of the types when TYPE is std::variant<T...>


In this example we have a gain represented as variant. It can be a double scalar or an Eigen::Vector3d. The mc_rtc::schema::Choices is passed to the MEMBER macro and those names will be used when displaying the choice in the GUI.

struct SimpleVariant
  using gain_t = std::variant<double, Eigen::Vector3d>;
  MEMBER(gain_t, stiffness, "Task stiffness", mc_rtc::schema::Choices({"scalar", "dimensional"}))
#undef MEMBER


In all examples so far we have seen usage of MC_RTC_NEW_SCHEMA. As the name suggests, this macro is used to introduce a new schema declaration.

It takes a single argument which is the name of the structure we are creating.

However, it is sometimes useful to extend a schema with additional members. In such cases one should use the MC_RTC_SCHEMA macro instead:

struct ExtendedSchema : public SimpleSchema
  MC_RTC_SCHEMA(ExtendedSchema, SimpleSchema)
  MEMBER(double, extendedGain, "Gain for the extended algorithm")
#undef MEMBER

This macro simply takes the schema name as well as the base class the schema is using.