Printing information to the screen

mc_rtc also provides some console logging utility which are available in <mc_rtc/logging.h>. Those are simple macros that allows to highlight information in the console in a cross-platform way. The following macros are available:

  • mc_rtc::log::success(...) displays a message on std::cout indicating success
  • mc_rtc::log::info(...) display a message on std::cout to provide information to the user
  • mc_rtc::log::warning(...) display a message on std::cerr to warn the user of a non-fatal error
  • mc_rtc::log::error(...) display a message on std::cerr to show an error message
  • mc_rtc::log::error_and_throw<T = std::runtime_errror>(...) display a message on std::cerr to show a critical error message and throw an exception of type T (defaults to std::runtime_error)

You are not forced to use these functions to use std::cout and std::cerr but this helps to highlight important messages on the console.


mc_rtc::log::success("Great success");
mc_rtc::log::info("You don't need a ; after those instructions");
mc_rtc::log::warning("The value of d is greater than expected: {} (d_limit: {})", d, d_limit);
mc_rtc::log::error("This is very wrong");
// Throw std::runtime_error("Abort")
// Throw std::domain_error("Abort")

The formatting syntax is the syntax supported by the {fmt} library.