Moving a contact

Through the various tutorials, you should have an idea of what contacts are, how they are handled in the controller and how you could move a contact. Let’s say that you want to move the left foot from its starting position to another a bit farther away.

The essential steps to do so would be:

  1. Move the CoM above the right foot;
  2. Remove the left foot contact;
  3. Move the left foot to the target destination;
  4. Put the contact back;

Let’s implement this simply.

Simple implementation

First create an empty controller:

$ mc_rtc_new_controller MyController MyController

Then we will need to modify following elements in our controller:

  • In MyController.h:
// MyController.h
#pragma once
#include <mc_control/mc_controller.h>
#include "api.h"
// If we want to use elements in mc_tasks or mc_solver we first must include their header file
#include <mc_tasks/CoMTask.h>
#include <mc_tasks/SurfaceTransformTask.h>

struct MyController_DLLAPI MyController : public mc_control::MCController
    MyController(mc_rbdyn::RobotModulePtr rm, double dt, const mc_rtc::Configuration & config);
    bool run() override;
    void reset(const mc_control::ControllerResetData & reset_data) override;

    std::shared_ptr<mc_tasks::CoMTask> comTask;
    std::shared_ptr<mc_tasks::SurfaceTransformTask> footTask;
    bool moved_com = false;
    bool moved_left_foot = false;

  • In MyController.cpp:
#include "MyController.h"

MyController::MyController(mc_rbdyn::RobotModulePtr rm, double dt, const mc_rtc::Configuration & /* config */)
: mc_control::MCController(rm, dt)
  addContact({robot().name(), "ground", "LeftFoot", "AllGround"});
  addContact({robot().name(), "ground", "RightFoot", "AllGround"});

  mc_rtc::log::success("MyController init done ");

bool MyController::run()
  bool ret = MCController::run();
    if(comTask->eval().norm() < 5e-2 && comTask->speed().norm() < 1e-4)
      mc_rtc::log::success("Moved the CoM");
      moved_com = true;
      removeContact({robot().name(), "ground", "LeftFoot", "AllGround"});
      footTask->target(sva::PTransformd(Eigen::Vector3d(0.4, 0, 0)));
    return ret;
  if(moved_com && !moved_left_foot)
    if(footTask->eval().norm() < 5e-2 && footTask->speed().norm() < 1e-4)
      mc_rtc::log::success("Moved the left foot");
      moved_left_foot = true;
      addContact({robot().name(), "ground", "LeftFoot", "AllGround"});
      auto com = comTask->com();

      com.x() =

      com.y() = 0;
    return ret;
  return ret;

void MyController::reset(const mc_control::ControllerResetData & data)
  /* Create the task */
  comTask = std::make_shared<mc_tasks::CoMTask>(robots(), 0);
  footTask = std::make_shared<mc_tasks::SurfaceTransformTask>("LeftFoot", robots(), 0);
  /* Move the CoM above the right foot */
  comTask->com(comTask->com() + Eigen::Vector3d(0, -1*footTask->surfacePose().translation().y(), 0));
  /* Add the CoM task to the solver */

CONTROLLER_CONSTRUCTOR("MyController", MyController)

What you will notice is that the robot “slides” its feet along the floor. That’s because this is the most direct way to go to the desired position. There is many ways this could be solved but we will now cover two useful MetaTask that take care of such scenarios:

  • AddRemoveContactTask which we will use to remove and add the left foot contact
  • MoveContactTask which we will use to move the foot between the two points

Using AddRemoveContactTask

To use AddRemoveContactTask we need a BoundedSpeedConstraint in the solver. We will also need the task itself. Finally, we need two supplementary steps to remove and add back the foot. So, we will modify our controller header and the reset() function accordingly:

// In the header
#include <mc_solver/BoundedSpeedConstr.h>
#include <mc_tasks/AddRemoveContactTask.h>
std::shared_ptr<mc_solver::BoundedSpeedConstr> bSpeedConstr;
std::shared_ptr<mc_tasks::AddRemoveContactTask> aRContactTask;
bool removed_left_foot = false;
bool added_left_foot = false;
// In reset
bSpeedConstr = std::make_shared<mc_solver::BoundedSpeedConstr>(robots(), 0, timeStep);

For the removal, we will use the RemoveContactTask specialization of AddRemoveContactTask, the prototype is:

  RemoveContactTask(mc_rbdyn::Robots & robots,
                 std::shared_ptr<mc_solver::BoundedSpeedConstr> constSpeedConstr,
                 mc_rbdyn::Contact & contact,
                 double speed, double stiffness, double weight,
                 Eigen::Vector3d * userT_0_s = nullptr);

To add the contact, we will use the AddContactTask specialization, whose prototype is:

  AddContactTask(mc_rbdyn::Robots & robots,
                 std::shared_ptr<mc_solver::BoundedSpeedConstr> constSpeedConstr,
                 mc_rbdyn::Contact & contact,
                 double speed, double stiffness, double weight,
                 Eigen::Vector3d * userT_0_s = nullptr);

For both cases, the arguments are pretty similar, the most importants are:

  • mc_rbdyn::Contact & contact which should be the contact we want to add or remove
  • double speed which is the insertion/removal speed

Note that, this task does not take care of actually maintaing the contact list in the solver nor does it take care of collision avoidance so we will need to take care of that ourselves.

bool MyController::run()
  bool ret = MCController::run();
    if(comTask->eval().norm() < 5e-2 && comTask->speed().norm() < 1e-4)
      mc_rtc::log::success("Moved the CoM");
      moved_com = true;
      removeContact({robot().name(), "ground", "LeftFoot", "AllGround"});
      mc_rbdyn::Contact rmContact(robots(), "LeftFoot", "AllGround");
      aRContactTask.reset(new mc_tasks::RemoveContactTask(robots(),
                                                          2.0, 1000));
    return ret;
  if(moved_com && !removed_left_foot)
    /* Monitor the foot altitude */
    double lf_z = robot().surfacePose("LeftFoot").translation().z();
    double rf_z = robot().surfacePose("RightFoot").translation().z();
    if(lf_z > rf_z + 0.05)
      mc_rtc::log::success("Left foot contact removed");
      removed_left_foot = true;
      footTask->add_ef_pose(sva::PTransformd(Eigen::Vector3d(0.4, 0, 0)));
    return ret;
  if(removed_left_foot && !moved_left_foot)
    if(footTask->eval().norm() < 5e-2 && footTask->speed().norm() < 1e-4)
      mc_rtc::log::success("Moved the left foot");
      moved_left_foot = true;
      mc_rbdyn::Contact addContact(robots(), "LeftFoot", "AllGround");
      aRContactTask.reset(new mc_tasks::AddContactTask(robots(),
                                                       2.0, 1000));
      return ret;
  if(moved_left_foot && !added_left_foot)
    /* Monitor the foot altitude */
    double lf_z = robot().surfacePose("LeftFoot").translation().z();
    double rf_z = robot().surfacePose("RightFoot").translation().z();
    if(fabs(lf_z - rf_z) < 1e-4)
      mc_rtc::log::success("Added left foot");
      added_left_foot = true;
      addContact({robot().name(), "ground", "LeftFoot", "AllGround"});
      auto com = comTask->com();

      com.x() =

      com.y() = 0;
  return ret;