general purpose configurationIn this page you will find a list of all available sample controllers provided with the framework, along with a brief description of how to run them and what to expect. More complex controllers will be further detailed in their own tutorial page.
The Posture
controller (see online demonstration) is the simplest controller in the framework. It adds the following tasks and constraints to the QP solver.
Tasks -> posture_jvrc1 -> Target
Supported robots
All robots supported by the framework. Note that for custom robots, all you need to do is define a default set of collision pairs and limits for the CompoundJointConstraint
if appropriate (see the tutorial on integrating a new robot).
Running To run this controller, simply put in your mc_rtc configuration, and run the controller using your favorite interface.
MainRobot: JVRC1
Enabled: Posture
The CoM
sample controller (see online demonstration) has similar tasks and constraints as the Posture
controller above.
Supported robots
All biped robots supported by the framework. Note that for custom robots, all you need to do is define a LeftFoot
and RightFoot
surface in your robot description.
Running To run this controller, simply put in your mc_rtc configuration, and run the controller using your favorite interface.
MainRobot: JVRC1
Enabled: CoM
The EndEffector
controller (see online demonstration) has the same tasks and constraints as the CoM
controller above. In addition to controlling the CoM position, it adds an mc_tasks::EndEffectorTask to control the position and orientation of the robot’s hand end-effector.
Supported robots
All biped robots supported by the framework. Note that for custom robots, all you need to do is define a LeftFoot
and RightFoot
surfaces and an r_wrist
body in your robot.
Running To run this controller, simply put in your mc_rtc configuration, and run the controller using your favorite interface.
MainRobot: JVRC1
Enabled: EndEffector
The Text
sample controller demonstrate the use of mc_tasks::MetaTaskLoader and mc_solver::ConstraintSetLoader to respectively load tasks and constraints from their YAML configuration.
Running To run this controller, simply put in your mc_rtc configuration, and run the controller using your favorite interface.
MainRobot: JVRC1
Enabled: Text
The default configuration for this controller is similar to the EndEffector
controller. You can try writing your own configuration in ~/.config/mc_rtc/controllers/Text.yaml
. For example, the following configuration re-creates the CoM
controller and moves the CoM
above the LeftFoot
- type: dynamics
- type: contact
- type: collision
- type: compoundJoint
- type: com
weight: 1000
above: [LeftFoot]
- r1Surface: LeftFoot
r2Surface: AllGround
isFixed: false
- r1Surface: RightFoot
r2Surface: AllGround
isFixed: false
The Admittance
sample controller demonstrates the use of the mc_tasks::force::AdmittanceTask though a simple FSM making the JVRC1
robot push a wall with a desired force.
Detailed description: see the Admittance Sample Controller tutorial
Supported robots: JVRC1
Prerequisites: Please make sure that the hand force sensors have been calibrated beforehand using the ForceSensorCalibration controller.
To run this controller, simply put in your mc_rtc configuration, and run the controller using your favorite dynamic simulation (e.g Choreonoid…).
See also
For a similar but more advanced example, see the ExternalForces sample.
MainRobot: JVRC1
Enabled: AdmittanceSample
The Impedance
sample controller demonstrates the use of the mc_tasks::force::ImpedanceTask to simulataneously perform position and force control of the robot’s end-effector.
Supported robots: JVRC1Fixed
Prerequisites: Please make sure that the hand force sensors have been calibrated beforehand using the ForceSensorCalibration controller.
To run this controller, simply put in your mc_rtc configuration, and run the controller using your favorite dynamic simulation (e.g Choreonoid…). In choreonoid you can apply external forces by clicking on the moving hand and dragging it. It will follow you to some extent and return to it’s expected position along the trajectory when you relase the force. Note that you may add additional mc_tasks::force::ImpedanceTask to the free end-effectors throught the GUI (Global -> Add Tasks -> ImpedanceTask
MainRobot: JVRC1Fixed
Enabled: Impedance
The LIPMStabilizer
sample controller demonstrates the use of the mc_tasks::StabilizerTask and its corresponding convenience FSM state mc_state::StabilizerStandingState though a simple quasi-static FSM making the robot stand and step while keeping balance.
Detailed description: see the LIPM Stabilizer tutorial
Supported robots: All biped robots supported by the framework.
To run this controller, simply put in your mc_rtc configuration, and run the controller using your favorite dynamic simulation (e.g Choreonoid…).
MainRobot: JVRC1
Enabled: LIPMStabilizer
The ExternalForces
sample controller demonstrates a biped robot exerting specified external forces with mc_tasks::lipm_stabilizer::StabilizerTask and mc_tasks::force::ImpedanceTask though a simple FSM making the JVRC1
robot push a wall with desired forces.
Supported robots: JVRC1
Prerequisites: Please make sure that the hand force sensors have been calibrated beforehand using the ForceSensorCalibration controller.
To run the sample, you need a dynamic simulator in order to simulate the force sensors. This tutorial is intended to be used with mc_openrtm and Choreonoid, and the provided simulation file sim_mc_wall.cnoid
. If you use another simulator, you will need to adapt the instructions, and create a scene with a wall 55cm
away from the robot.
Put in your mc_rtc configuration, and run the controller with Choreonoid. The robot reaches both hands to the wall and applies the specified external forces of the sine wave to the wall with leaning forward.
MainRobot: JVRC1
Enabled: ExternalForces