general purpose configurationIt is possible to specify a subset of joints to perform a given task (e.g. one might want to perform stabilization using only the lower body).
In the MetaTask
interface, this is implemented using a set of three functions:
void selectActiveJoints(mc_solver::QPSolver & solver,
const std::vector<std::string> & activeJointsName);
void selectUnactiveJoints(mc_solver::QPSolver & solver,
const std::vector<std::string> & unactiveJointsName);
void resetJointsSelector(mc_solver::QPSolver & solver);
A CoM task that only stimulates the legs:
std::vector<std::string> activeJoints = {"RLEG_JOINT0", "RLEG_JOINT1", "RLEG_JOINT2",
auto comTask = std::make_shared<mc_tasks::CoMTask>(robots(), 0);
comTask->selectActiveJoints(solver(), activeJoints);
A position task that uses every joint except the left arm:
std::vector<std::string> inactiveJoints = {"LARM_JOINT0", "LARM_JOINT1", "LARM_JOINT2",
auto posTask = std::make_shared<mc_tasks::PositionTask>("r_wrist", robots(), 0);
// You can activate the selection after adding the taks as well
posTaks->selectUnactiveJoints(solver(), inactiveJoints);
And you can reset the selection as well: